
July 13, 2013

The looooong and the short of it.....Table legs that is!

 So I promised to show you how I made my caster legs a few days ago and today's the day!
Here's the skinny on how to make these legs! You will love how easy it is.

You will need:
4 salvaged table legs
4 casters
 large drill bits
  heavy duty 1.5"  hex screws
washers that screws will fit through
wood glue

So this is what I used for my legs. There are four legs but I had cut one already before I took the picture. The casters I salvaged from two dressers that were missing a caster or two. Always save hardware! You may not use it on the piece again but you may need it someday so you'll be glad you did. 

Those legs I got from the trash....natch.

Measure how tall you want your coffee table to be. Mine will be 18 inches tall as that is the height of my couch cushions and I read somewhere that a coffee table should be at or slightly below the height of your cushions. Since the coop is 9.5" tall I need legs that are 8.5"long including the casters. So take the height of the wheel and minus it from the overall length and you have how long your wood leg should be.

I used a circular saw on this first leg before I realized my miter saw would be much easier to use. I, uh, also forgot to measure my overall length and just cut the legs where I thought it would look good! I had to go back and cut it at the flat square part about 10 minutes later.

So here is the trick that you need to know to make this work right. Take you drill bit that is slightly smaller than the circumference of your screw. Hold up your screw so that the end of the screw protrudes past the end of the drill bit slightly. Put a piece of tape at the bottom of the threaded shank. This will help you control the depth of the drill bit. You want some solid wood at the bottom of the hole so your screw really sinks it's threads in and holds tight.

Now put your leg in a clamp and drill your hole in the center. Only go to the depth of the tape. Do this for all 4 legs.
Turn the legs over and do the same thing on the bottom for the casters. Make sure you change out the drill bit size so it is slightly smaller than the diameter of the caster peg. Add  your casters and get ready to attach the legs to your new coffee table coop!

A great way to mark the placement is to turn the leg over, place it where you want it and then give it a tap.Some of the left over wood shavings will come out and tell you exactly where to drill your hole! 

Genius I know. Every once in a while the light bulb burns brightly....

Now place a washer on the screw and insert the screw into the hole from the inside of the coop and then screw on your legs. I added a bit of wood glue to the top of the leg so it won't wobble. And I used a wrench to help hold the screw top as I tightened the leg down.

That's all there is. This took about an hour give or take as I think I had to make lunch in there somewhere for some hungry mungries. 
I am looking for some cute bird figures to put inside
Cheesy or classy?
You decide.

Always being renewed,

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  1. What a cool table! Love how it turned out!! Great job on the legs!

  2. SO clever. Kudos!

    Small House / Big Sky Donna / White Oak Studio Designs / SW Michigan
    Hand-Painted Vintage Furniture Transformations
    Facebook: (for portfolio of chalk painted work)

  3. SO gorgeous and SO smart!!! So happy to have found you + excited to {hopefully} meet you at the Ohio Valley Meet & Greet! xoxo!

  4. Hi idea is cool but bro table is very antique if some thing break during wheel join time anyways idea is great its something different.

    ISO 2341
    DIN 1444

  5. Great tutorial and a gorgeous table!

  6. Those legs look amazing and the whole table is so completely fabulous that I can hardly get over it. Wow! Wow! is all I can say...

  7. That table looks fantastic, Kim! You have such a talent!

  8. Love your chicken cage table! The legs are perfect! I vote classy! We're joining you!

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  9. Love it! I'm keeping my eye open for a rooster. hahahaha! Just kidding. Now my chicken cage wants legs and castors. See what you started?! xo

  10. First of all, I adore your table. So unique. Secondly, this is just the answer I was looking for for one of my projects. I bought some old wheels to add to the bottom of a table but didn't know if I should just drill a hole for the caster peg like you did or if there was some special trick. You answered part one of my question! Part two is, did you add some glue to the caster peg before putting it in the drilled hole?

    Thank you so much for sharing this project and blessings to you,

  11. Your table is gorgeous. I just discovered your blog. I love it and it has inspired me to post more of my recreated furniture projects.

  12. Stopping by to let you know I am featuring you tomorrow on Made in a Day! Thanks for linking up!

  13. This is a fabulous project. FABULOUS. I have always wanted to know how to add casters that didn't have a plate. A whole new world has opened to me! I am in awe of your Coffee Table. Please come visit anytime and feel free to build one for me too! I am featuring at my party today at Redoux. Thank you so much for sharing. LOVE! Party opens at 5:00 EST. -K

  14. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE this coffee table!!! Seriously, Its perfect! Where did you find the coup?

  15. P.S. I love your style. I'm your newest follower!

  16. coming over from redoux follower here! Ok ,love the legs and table, but that RUG! Yummm!!!

  17. woohoo! great job on the transformation, adding legs and casters! love the "tap" tip. hahaha

    catching you!

  18. Classy! Love this idea and those fabulous legs. Saw you featured on Catch as Catch Can.

  19. Stopping in to pin, cuz I love it!

  20. Love it! I have a chicken coop left over from when I was a kid on the farm... now I know what to do with it to get it out of my work shop where it's currently stored.

  21. This is stunning!!! Please come share this at a party I cohost, DIY Sunday Showcase! It opens Saturday at 5pm.



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