
August 8, 2013

Black and Linen Nightstand

I've been back from Vegas for 2 weeks now and am just getting a post up! The first 3 days back I felt like I could not get out of bed I was so tired.  Then my parents came to visit for a a few days this week so today I am finally able to sit at my computer and compose a post! I hope it is coherent.

A while ago, I completed a Highboy in black with cream drawers done to look like linen. Well, my sweet friend and co-worker Judy needed a dresser for her daughter so off it went to live in her new apartment.

Towards the end of the school year, they asked me if I could make a nightstand to match. (I know it's August, I'm a little behind in posting. I have a hard enough time regularly posting during the school year!) 
So I went on the hunt for something that would come close. I found this little gem at the Goodwill and as luck would have it got a great price on it since it was marked 1/2 off on the day I picked it up!
It actually has only three drawers, the bottom is extra deep. But I love that it looks like four drawers. And it is solid oak, including the back. No luan or cardboard there! So something that looks so dated got a really great makeover. 

Here is the original dresser that I was matching....

and here is the nightstand....
And yes, those are paper props! Thank you for noticing. When I take my "pretty" pictures of my pieces, I try to stage them as they would be used. However, a digital clock was not goin' to cut it. But since I do not have an old vintage alarm clock what was I to do?? So I got drawing and cutting and made a vintage paper alarm clock and that led to a beautiful cut glass vase.  I didn't think I could tackle a lamp with out it falling over every 2 seconds, hence the books and "ceramic" birdie. 

 I think the fake flowers just set the whole thing off don't you! Hey, sometimes you have to get creative in more ways than one.

Love those dangly pulls, they remind me of earrings.
Which when you think about it, just like jewelry is the icing on an outfit, great hardware is the icing on a great piece of furniture.

I love how these two pieces came together because it shows you how two VERY different pieces can be painted to look alike and thus add unity to a room. That is also not to say that you have to paint everything the same color because that  can get boring really fast. A wood tone here and there is warm and inviting and gives the room character and something for the eye to jump to when you first enter the room. But if you are looking at your room and think it is a mish mash of styles, paint can be your great equalizer and unifier. 

   I hope you are all having a great weekend! 
If NOT, I think painting something might help!

Always being renewed,

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  1. it's so cute, but i totally love the fun staging!

  2. I love this piece. Really, I can't say enough about it. Somehow I missed the post about the highboy so I'm so glad you did a matching piece. And the props are adorable. How creative you are.

    1. Thanks Patty! I enjoyed how they turned out

  3. Beautiful dresser!! And I LOVE the "staging" you did! Very clever!

    1. Thank you Laurie- I was fun making these.

  4. Both of those pieces are fantastic. Love them. Your props were very very cute too. Love the night stand it came up sooooo well

  5. Beautiful update! I'd love for you to link up to The DIYers:

  6. What a great piece! And aren't you clever creating your own props!

  7. I featured this on Mod Mix Monday! I love the little cartoon accessories!


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