
August 25, 2013

Desk into Changing Table....or Kitchen Island when the kids are grown!

So before I go into this fun transformation, I want to thank all of you who left me such sweet comments, texts, visits to my house (miss lynnie!)  and words of support about my youngest going off to Kindergarten.  I did cry most of Friday but felt much better on Saturday. I needed to get it all out before this Monday so I can send her of strong. I know I will probably still shed a tear when I turn and walk away from her but that I think is to be expected. 

What this has continued to show me is God is so good. I prayed that God would help her out and limit her anxieties and He is always so faithful. Tessa is actually starting to get excited for school, where she previously was not at all. She has got her backpack literally packed with stuff she "needs!" to bring with her to school. This makes me feel great that she is ready for the adventure to begin.

I also know that I have such a great support system! You all are amazing and I wish I could give you all a hug and a big wet one right on the kisser for lifting me up and giving me words of encouragement. Thank you, thank you , thank you!

I do find that work has a way of taking your mind off of things, in a good way. I was contacted by a sweet school teacher named Virginia and her husband Chris to remake a desk into a changing table for them. Their first little one is due  in November.  This has been just the project I need to keep my mind occupied and my fingers busy. I also thought it was such a nice project because I loves me some babies and although I am ending that phase of my life, I am always excited for those who are getting to start this phase. It is such a huge privilege to have children. 

Let me also say that I felt like I knew Virginia for like forever. We had no problems talking and I just love her! She is also one of the cutest darn pregnant gals I have ever seen. Just all baby in was hard not to grab the belly. But I did refrain as I remembered how weird I thought it was when complete strangers wanted to touch my largess. But at some point I may have to just grab her and give the baby a magic rub! 

She wanted a green color for this makeover and left it up to me to pick the color. Now that's fun but it also puts a lot more pressure on you than you might think. She said she likes all of my work but still.....I was nervous. I mean have you seen the orange in my foyer? I can be a bit....BOLD, shall we say. But she trusted me and I knew the piece would speak to me and tell me how green it wanted to be!

So Virginia and her hubby dropped this off at my house about 3 weeks ago.
I suggested that we add a base at the bottom so there could be a shelf where the chair would be and then add legs so it is taller and easier to use as a changing table. Trust me I told her...after labor and delivery you will want to save your back. Plus Chris is very tall and since we knew he would be using this table a lot (wink,wink) we thought it should be a little higher for him!

Secret weapons? 
Curtain rod finials! 
Yes these are screw-in curtain rod finials. 
The legs at Home Depot weren't quite right, either too fancy or too plain for this desk, so I kept looking. I did look at fence post finials as well, but they were a little too chunky for this and I thought a little too high as well. Before I gave up I managed to hit the curtain aisle and that's when it became clear that this was the way to go.  I pre-drilled the holes using this same technique and then used glue as well to secure the finials to the base.

I L.O.V.E. how this turned out! The color is Corn Husk in Behr from Home Depot . The color I originally picked looked very yellow when I got home. I found two quarts of green paint that I hadn't ever used for some reason and the Corn Husk was perfect. I mixed up my own chalk paint recipe and got to making it pretty. I added some Hobby Lobby knobs and then had to dig into my stash of saved baby things to stage the changing table. 

This was a bit nostalgic and good for me to do. Tessa let me use Sugar Pie, her brown bunny, for my photos...and I used some ceramic animals from Izzy....

and believe it or not these are my Jake's first little sandals and take home baby outfit! Izzy couldn't believe that these were once Jake's shoes and if you saw the size of his feet now, you would agree.

I also think this could easily be used as a kitchen island as well. So this is just a little think outside the box moment and realize that a desk can be made taller, it can be changed into a changing table (get the pun!!Mwahahah, I needed a good laugh!) or use it as an island with great storage. Either way, use what you've got. Much easier than buying new.

Virginia and Chris just picked this up this Saturday and dropped another dresser for me to rehab.
God's timing is perfect.
 I thought He was just growing my business but He knew I'd need something to keep me busy tomorrow while Tessa is at school for her first day. 
Thank you God for your awesome goodness and grace to me every single day.


  1. Such a great idea! Adding the bottom shelf is a simple yet perfect idea. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. There are so many ways I love your changing table. I had never thought of curtain rod finials as feet for furniture. What a great idea! I also love the color. You should come share some of your creativity at Craft Frenzy,
    We are new to blogging but have a lot of energy and passion. Come check up out.

    1. Thanks for visiting our link party. We hope you come back on Friday to party again!

  3. That is such a great idea! :) Love the color.

  4. What a great idea! It turned out fabulously. Great job!

  5. What a great idea and a pretty transformation! Love the green! And so many possibilities in the future! ... Hope the school year gets off to a great start!

  6. OH this is the greatest idea! I am featuring you tonight at my Furniture and Paint Party!



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