
October 24, 2011

Clarifications and a table project

Clarification 1:
I love my Mrs. BonBon. Her real name is Lynn but my Tess called her Mrs. Bon Bon b/c she couldn't say her real name (Bonnett) and it just stuck. She is as delicious as ice cream coated in chocolate as well and I love her to death. I'm talkin BIG L.O.V.E.! She keeps me grounded and always has a word for me when I need it. She does it in such a way that you think, 'Now why did I not realize that?"

Well, when I posted about the little things, please read it and you'll understand, she emailed me this: "wow, I'm sure glad my Lord doesn't give me an ultimatum like that ( He would have sent me home a long time ago. - how gracious He is!)"
I did not even think that. I was trying to be a cheer leader and use a funny catch phrase and I did not think of how it might speak to others. So I do want to apologize to you all. God would never want us to go big or go home just because we didn't ask for the right thing or think too small for Him.  He is gracious and is willing to wait for us to trust Him enough to pray for our little things and as He answers prayers, encourages us to ask bigger and pray bigger. So now I say, step out in faith a little further and try praying a little bigger. See how He blesses!  Please also let me know how He has blessed you and how you have learned to pray bigger if you will  in the comments section. I would love to hear from all of you on this!

Clarification 2:
It is so amazing how patient God is. As I have been trying to sell my furniture, I was getting very down about things that I shouldn't. I messed up royal in my ETSY shop with shipping prices and felt like an idiot because I thought I should know how to price shipping. How the heck would I know this, I have never shipped before! But in my perfectionist mind, I should know everything all ready and did I not just post on praying bigger! My learning curve is a BIT steep apparently. So a few days ago as I was crying in my coffee during my devotions, God showed me this verse:

Why are you so downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him my Savior and my God
Psalm 42:5

 Ummmm, I feel stupid.
But thank God He did not let me rest in my stupidity but He renewed my resolve and gave me courage to press on. Mistakes will happen, I'll live through them, and He will be with me every step of the way!

And He delivered this table to me to work on for a friend from work.

 She's got great legs

What a beauty she will be with a little TLC, and maybe a little bleach (kinda like my hair!)

I think He figured a little elbow grease might make me shape up and stop wallowing. He's right. He always is.

Always being renewed,


  1. "She's got great legs" HA!!. Thanks for caring about my book, she was set to publish in two months but trouble with the publisher is making it look like Spring of 2012. Right now working title is Balancer, but if it goes to a different publisher, the name could change. I'll keep you posted, if you don't mind. It's been so fun to have a new friend to chat and craft with! take care!

  2. Hi Kim, I just found you from craigslist. I love what you've done - yep, thinking about the little white table - and darn that you sold the chair. I'm looking for a chair similar to that. I'm your newest follower and look forward to seeing more of your projects. Welcome to blogging! Nan


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