
October 17, 2011

Orange Juice! Really?

Donna from Funky Junk Interiors laid down a challenge to take something in your house, and push yourself to look and use it in a way that you never had before. Well, boy howdee, I've never run from a challenge and I am not aboot (she is from Canada ya' knoo!) to start but an orange juice can?!? I scare myself sometimes. I am sure Donna was referring to changing up decor items but what they hay, let's go with it, shall we?

Yes, I was making OJ for my favorite littlest human bean and I was about to recycle the lid when it hit me. Literally. It fell off the counter and as I was trying to catch it, I flipped it up and caught it with my face.
After I cleaned myself off, I was looking to throw the culprit into the recycling bin and I thought, great shape for a wine bottle tag. (kinda have wine on the brain lately and yes, my mind really does make these kind of weird associations on a split second basis). Wait, what better way to recycle than something that is dual purpose. Wine bottle tag that can then be later used as an ornament because with the amount of wine we have fermenting in the basement, we give A-Lot of wine as gifts during the holidays.

So here are some pics to help you take a mini-tour of how my brain works. Think rustic, hammered metal. I did.

Here is where you get your aggression out of your system

Keep hammerin'...........make it look handmade

use an awl to punch your holes

funny!  You're gonna want to make sure you do this on an OLD wood surface

my very organized box of beads.......notice at least the box IS labeled

wire ready to go

start sewin!

tryin' out my stylin' skills...
hmmm, that wine glass looked a bit fuller before I started this photo shoot

more stylin' pho-tos. not so much. Still need practice

another version

shoe polish works great to age things. Use husband's old sock to dab on, let dry a bit and dab with clean area. Instant aged, hammered metal. If you used husband's new sock... instant aged sock as well. Ask me how I know

added glue and glitter to the tree and 2 sweet beads to the twine for this beauty

I think these will also do well for the teacher gifts this year!
Happy Hammering and thanks Donna for the "push"

Always being renewed,

This post submitted to Dollarstorecrafts. Check them out!
Also linking to Funky Junk Interiors and



  1. YES!!! :) Sooo proud of you! :) And how cool...


  2. Good idea! You should share your wine recipe with us, too! :)

  3. @Revi-
    The recipe is simple: crush grapes, wait a week then press the grapes. Then let it sit for a few months! Then we transfer the wine to an oak cask and wait another month before we transfer out of the oak cask and into a regular cask. The only change this year was that out of ten crates of zinfendel grapes we added one muscato grape crate. We try new grapes every year.

  4. Fun stuff ~ you got my thinker thinking! :)


  5. Great idea! Very creative



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