
April 17, 2012

Ikea Chairs: Another 5 Minute Makeover or if you have more time.....

Remember these Ikea chairs I got at the Red, White , and Blue Thrift store for $35?

 Not bad but I am not a fan of the pine colored wood. Can we say "dated"?

So here is another 5 minute makeover:

What did I spray the legs with....wait for it....wait for it......yes, whoever guessed Rustoleum Oil-Rubbed Bronze spray paint is the winner of a $100 gift certificate to the "Good Job, you know me so well store"!
 Simple color change on the wood, BIG change in overall look. Much more modern and poshier.

Now you can stay here and like the instant gratification that spray paint gives us all, plus a few loopy ideas from all the fumes....

or if you have about another 30 minutes total for the two chairs you can go from great to....

SHAZAM!  That looks high class!

How is this possible you say? Covered buttons!!! These are thee single best way to make your projects (clothes or home dec) look custom and the ideas are endless because you can use any fabric. ANY!!! 
I just went through my fat quarter stash and found a cool sunburst pattern and the covered eight buttons in about 10 minutes. The drilling took another 5 minutes and the sewing of the buttons onto the chairs another 15= 30 minute makeover. Go here to see how to cover your buttons. Go, go now. I'll wait while you read.

Wow, your fast!Now did you really read how to cover  buttons or did you just buy the cliff notes blog post? 

Okay, back to reality.....

I made an 8.5 square template to mark on the back of the chairs because if I really screwed this up, the back might be maimed but the front would still be intact. Mark a dot at each of the four corners. 

Can you even SEE the dots?......

I didn't get a pic of this before I started drilling but you will want to make a hole in the fabric large enough for your drill bit to pass through. Why? Because if you don't, your drill bit will rip all of the fabric off of your chair and she will be bald. 

NOT a good look for any chair trying to get her groove back.

Drill through the wood and use a long Doll needle to sew on your buttons. Turn her back over and gasp in delight at your mad sewing skills! If this is your first time doing this, it might take you a bit longer but not much.

This is the back. These buttons help anchor the other buttons and keep the tufting tight.

Sorry about the pics. These didn't turn out as well as I thought but I was losing daylight and y'all know what happens then...zombies! Just kidding but my son is sitting next to me commenting on how I never include him in  any of my posts so that should keep him quiet for oh, about, a minute! Love you big boy!

Why do I like initials so much?

I love how they turned out and since tufting on furniture is all the rage these days, apparently now these chairs are uber trendy as well. Always wanted to use that term, uber......just rolls off of the tongue. I am just glad to finally have a seating arrangement in my foyer. Slow and steady feathers the nest....

What do you think? 

Always being renewed,

Please see my link party page to see where I submit my projects and give those ladies some love! Todays Creative Blog  vif187


  1. Oh these are just fabulous! Love the buttons. You sure made these look better. Great job!

  2. Transformed! excellent job.

  3. Kim this is brilliant! You rock girl! These chairs are now fabulous!
    Keep up the good work!
    Love, Olga
    P.S.: your newest follower!

  4. seriously they look so much better and classier with that one little touch!

  5. This is absolutely brilliant. The chairs look so fabulous. I am loving this fabulous post. Would you mind sharing this inspirational post at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there!


  6. Wow, do the buttons make an unbelievable difference! You're obviously a genius.

    1. It's about time someone noticed! No seriously, Thank you Michelle for the sweet and encouraging words!

  7. I can't believe how much of a difference two simple changes make. They look like new chairs!! Well done :)

  8. they look a million times better great job

  9. uber, poshier, shazam - your vocabulary is as great as the chairs! The spray paint was great, but the covered buttons really made it. Thanks for linking up @ teh Delectable Home!

  10. These turned out FABULOUS! Love the line of these chairs. What a difference a little paint and buttons can make. I found you through Addicted 2 Decorating and am now following. I look forward to seeing more of your creative projects. Have a great weekend!

  11. Wow these turned out so great...the buttons are the best! I'm glad I found your blog, and now I'm following so we can keep in touch. I would love if you follow back. Have a great weekend, Lori

  12. Good job!
    It looks better now.

  13. What a difference! Those buttons are the cherry on top!

  14. Great job!

    They really do look so much better!

    Love the choice to tuft them with fun buttons!

    Thanks for linking up at Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL!


  15. Thank you for participating in Show Your Stuff Blog Hop, You are invited to come back:

  16. this is just A-MA-ZING!!!! wow...what skills you BOTH;) have:))) well done is an understatement. thanks


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