
April 15, 2012

Tessa Birthday cake

Hello world! So nice to be back in the land of the living! Yes, I have had a germ from hell that struck on Easter evening and has been hell on took my voice, which no one in my house seems to be complaining about....hmmm. and it almost took my life. I kid you not. AN incident happened where my throat closed off and if it hadn't been for some amazing women at my church who saw my distress, I might not be here. But I am here and I am so thankful that I am. But enough about me and onto my Tess...she's 4!!!

If you remember from my last post, I had to make a Rapunzel ("Tangled") birthday cake for my Tessa. I thought I'd show you the cake she decided I could make =0)

Noooooo problem! 

I got it done in shifts on Tuesday due to coughing fits and needing to sleep every hour and a half. So here she is, I think Tess liked it. But then she has such a sweet heart she'd think anything is good.

See, here she is either looking amazed at her mother's handiwork OR she's saying, "this isn't what the picture looked like at all...."

"are you sure you didn't get this from the corner bakery?"

 Pink Pancakes for dinner!

She got her own cake to cut with blow out candles even!

Tea anyone? I could have just bought her this, she has played non-stop tea party since Wednesday and we have water everywhere.

Here are a few closeups:

Had to spray paint a purple Barbie crown gold. Can you believe we didn't have a single gold Barbie crown in our house????

Hee, Hee,  secret door from the movie

crown in the satchel


Sorry for the lame post but I am still not 100% and I wanted to show you something!! It must be the West Nile Virus or something....

Always being renewed,

If you like it PIN it!!  and don't forget to check my link party page to see where I submit my projects.Between Naps On the Porch and Todays Creative Blog


  1. Owh a very nice cake. You are so brilliant!!

    1. No, just lucky.. the cake fairies were smiling on me!

  2. ohmygooodness, i don't know which is cuter, the cake or your darling daughter! you did a terrific job on the cake. so glad you linked up to my center of attention sunday party, and i hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Found you on BNOTP! The cake is super cute, you did a great job!

  4. I am so glad to hear that you are doing better. Here's hoping for further recovery!

    this cake is so amazing. Honestly, I never would have even attempted something so hard- and you pulled it off with great success! I know you're not 100% but I would love if you were able to stop at my first session of Sweet Sharing Mondays (new weekly party- with features!) and link up!

  5. Wow, that is an amazing cake! And what a sweet birthday girl too!

  6. So cool. Great work on creating a fabulous cake. Jodi @

  7. The cake looks great and your daughter is adorable!

  8. You did a great job on the cake, and your daughter is adorable!

    Linking from Mod Mix Monday.

    Ricki Jill

  9. Your daughter is so adorable! I love your Rapunzel cake. My daughter is turning 4 in June and she is obsessed with the movie Tangled. I never seen it and we were looking on Blockbuster @Home for movies to order and she started screaming she wanted Tangled. So I ordered it for her and we received it in the mail very shortly after that. So here I was asking my 3 year-old whose that, why are they doing that, lol, I can be annoying while watching a movie. Anyways it turned out to be a great movie and we haven’t stopped watching it, luckily I don’t have to worry about any late fees. She wants a Tangled theme birthday party. I have been looking for cake ideas and I love yours. I just hope I get the weekend off at my job at DISH to host her party!

    1. I hope you do as well, enjoy the birthday party. Please share details if you can!

  10. very nice! much better than I could have pulled off LOL

  11. Wow! This is amazing! What a special birthday for your little one! Hope you are feeling better, and thanks for linking up!

  12. hi kim, i featured your adorable rapunzel cake and the beautiful miss tessa at my center of attention sunday link up. thanks for linking and hope to see you again soon!


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