
May 1, 2012

Frown turned upside down

I woke up this morning excited and then nervous because I was finally shipping my  vintage Lane tables to NY, NY using Greyhound Package Express for the first time.

So I got in our vintage 1978 Ford F150 with the tables and made the trip praying the whole way that I would be able to find a place to park the beast. Well, guess what? The Lord led me right to the front door  for drop off! How is that for answered prayer! Then Dave, the front desk guy, was super sweet so now I am in a super happy, going to break into song kinda mood.

I walk out and there is a lady parked behind me and I say "I'm leaving right now if you want to pull up?"

She says....scowling...."That is an absolutely terrible park job."

Instant bad mood back. So thank God he controlled my tongue and I just managed a "Thank you and have a nice day" to which she replied "Excuse Me?"

As I am driving I start saying out loud all the things I SHOULD have said. Like "Have a nice day cuz' you APPARENTLY REALLY NEED ONE!!!" she can hear them.  Ever done this?

Then The Lord gently nudged my heart and I began to think "I should really pray that she really does have a better day. It might have started out horribly and this was just another chink in the chain." It really had nothing to do with me. It rarely does, we just happen to be in that person's path.

I  remembered a song by one of my favorite christian artists, Sara Groves, and it speaks so much to this.

So my mood gently started to change back and then I saw this about 3 blocks from my house: This might be the funniest thing I have seen all year!!
If you don't think God has a sense of humor and uses it to bring us a reality check, then you really need to get to know Him better.

Pee your pants funny, until you think of the poor person who can't eat now. So I had to say a little prayer that they see this sign and find their teeth. Seriously.

I jump back into my truck and check my mirrors to make sure I can pull out and I see this poor girl at the bus stop right across the street from the sign looking slightly shocked.

 See, she saw me jumping out of this.....I had to photo it in B&W because it is "vintage" after all!
So if you can imagine seeing me jump out of this, run 20 feet, snap a picture with my iPhone, giggling, run back 20 feet, jump in this clunker.....
That might just be the funniest thing SHE has seen all year!

Now, GO...
 be a miracle to someone

Always being renewed,


  1. I had a moment like that today. I process hundreds of calles a day (I interpret them into Sign Language)I've had a few BAD ones lately with people attacking me instead of eachother...I had one this morning and nearly left work. But after a few calles I had a guy tell me a super lame was exactly what I needed.

  2. Hi Kim I unfortunately have been the lady parked behind you with a snippy snide mean snappy commment... and u r so right it wasn't about you... I don't know if this helps since u will probably never see that person again - but I was convicted by the Holy Spirit concerning my actions 3 different times I went back to people usually cashiers I dealt with and repented- apologized. It was never about them so I am sure this had nothing to do with you and maybe right now she is wishing she could somehow magically run into u and apologize. I hope this helped and luckily for me the hard headed stubborn slow learner that I am 3rd time was the charm... by His Grace I haven't done it again.

  3. On a lighter note, I read about you jumping out of your truck giggling to grab a photo of the false teeth sign and then seeing the shocked girl watching you from across the street. I had tears of laughter streaming down my face as I read this aloud to my entire family last night, and everyone just howled. As the bumper sticker says, "mean people suck," but we just can't let them keep us down. Like you, I usually say a few choice words under my breath then try to forgive and forget and go back to being my goofy cheerful self. I love your spirit, and thanks so much for making us laugh like crazy.


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