Sorry I am just getting around to showing this to you. I totally forgot to post about it until I was going through photos and there it was. Better late than never.
If you remember a bit ago, I finally switched out my son's Ikea dresser for a big boy dresser. It only took me 10 years.....poor kid. But the Ikea dresser was in great shape and sturdy so I didn't just want to throw it out but I knew I wouldn't use it. So I decided to hack it!
No I didn't use it for firewood but I did do a simple paint hack that turned out kinda groovy!
Here's the before.
If you look on the right vertical bar you will see two black rivets at the top and bottom. I knew I wanted them to show up so I taped over each if these first. Then I just taped away with a random, devil may care attitude! No proper spacing or straight edges. Just placed the tape and made sure the edges were down well.
Then I really channeled the devil and painted it black.
If you notice here as well, I made sure that the placement of the handles would also be noticed by taping down the middle and on either side of the holes. That way the pine color would show up behind it and make the hardware more visible. I was set on not reusing the handles that came with it because I didn't think they would work. Thank goodness I saved them because I love them!
After I removed the tape.....this is what I got!
I love that it is not precise and I love the contrast. No one else in the house likes it of course! They call it the referee or jailbird dresser. It's a good thing I don't get insulted.
I just keep shaking my head and tell them they have no vision.
They volley back with "Oh, we have vision...double vision!!!" and then they dissolve into fits of giggles.....
Anybody know of a good home for wayward children????
So of course I forgot to take a final photo at home with the hardware on it so you'll just have to suffer through iPhone shots of the after.
The Antiques Mall does not have the greatest lighting in the world but you get the idea.
What do you think? Should I be locked up?
you can see another Ikea hack right here!
Always being renewed,