FIRST off, I screwed up my feed so if you signed up for my posts via email, you're going to have to do it again. I am not sure what happened but I am sure it was user error. So please sign up again if you have noticed you are not getting posts. okay, moving on….
The Maxilicious Mini Kitchen Makeover has taken another turn. This one cost me no money just elbow grease which I have plenty to spare. My elbows are actually insured for $1,000,000 because they are so effective!
Once we got the floor lookin' all snazzy and shazam-like, my floor-to-ceiling hutch was lookin' 10 steps over the line of old and crusty. And cluttered.
Mainly because in order to cover up this mess below, I had to add shelf liner and I no longer adored this look.
And do you see that piece of green tile wedged in there below! That was covering the top when we first moved in. They must have gotten a smokin' deal on this tile 'cuz it was everywhere. And I have discovered under the white paint that the hutch was painted green to match. This must have been one pea-green room.
In other news about our previous owners….did I tell you the one about how they had covered the real wood steps in the foyer with fake wood looking linoleum??? Yep, total decor home run that one was. But I have totally digressed…..
So this top had to be done up and fast. So in came my heat gun and metal scraper and the afore mentioned elbow grease...
And then the sander gave it several passes. They really gouged the heck out of the front and no matter how much sanding you do, it isn't going to look great so I wasn't sure how that was gonna look once finished.
I was torn between waxing it as is above and staining it. In the end my son thought it looked a little ghetto unstained so I stained it in Minwax Jacobean to appease the ghetto gods.
If I lived by myself though…….total ghetto glory!
As I suspected, the ghetto gods looked down on my staining of their naturally good wood and the gouges looked bad…as did the pits with paint in them. No amount of finger sanding (using only your finger and a corner of the sand paper to sand in tight crazy spaces…my own made-up ghetto DIY word) was getting that out. So I used my dark brown sharpie and permanently colored in the gouges and the paint!
Not perfect but then ghetto glory isn't what you would call perfect. But it does nod to the fact that this hutch is over 100+ years old so it shouldn't look brand new.
A bit of de-cluttering and sprucing it up made a big difference.
Plus Santa is smiling down on my efforts!
My black charging station got some new paint and fancy paper
My son's snail whistle is a lovely jolt of orange to go with the green and the pottery…. and is useful to call the chittlins for dinner.
I use a cricket basket for my scrap paper and it holds a pencil quite nicely!
Don't cha love these old canisters?? I got them at the Goodwill for $1.99 each and they just needed to be re-glued and oiled to bring out their ghetto goodness
Plus I love them because they hold my metal scoops without having the lids stay up. They are from Japan!
It looks like it ran back over the old crusty line to vintage and original goodness real fast…and I love it.
What say you?
Would you use a Sharpie to fix issues?
Do you have a hankering for Japanese storage now?
And the bigger question of the day:
Who has better decor sense:
the Ghetto Gods or Santa?
Always being renewed,