I really don't have any thoughts on organizing other than check the room every few days and make the kids put things away. From the looks of these photos, you know where the breakdown occurred.
Mama error...
It looks like Rockstar Barbie went on a rampage and trashed her hotel room…we have an overturned piano, the guitar under the piano, clothes everywhere…..a whole wing of the dream house is down…..
So this past Monday I set about making this right (why did I just get to posting this on today? I needed all week to recover). Making it right took from 9:30 until 3:30 with a healthy break for lunch. Not saying we ate healthy only that I needed more than 20 minutes away from crap everywhere. I was trying not to yell and start an absolute tirade about "not caring about their things and how can they live like this" etc….I might have taken a few breaks, just saying'. We not only picked up every last babrie shoe and littlest pet shop pet accessory, we worked on donating and sorting into appropriate boxes.
We will see how Mama stays on top of this room….
How's about seeing some visually restful photos of the playroom after Barbie got out of anger management classes?
Now you can actually see the window bench and use it to read and relax….
The Barbie Complex has been stabilized and will withstand an earthquake
And my son can actually get to his drums without killing himself of 25 pairs of dress up gloves.
Not a bad amount of stuff to yardsale either!?! Luckily from an early age my kids were taught to get rid of stuff they don't use so that others might be able to use it. They usually are really good about letting things go so this was a good pile for our yard sale.
And now for a final side-by-side comparison...
As you may have already guessed, this just proves I am not perfect nor do I have the perfect house. I have kids and I have husband and I have, well, me.
We are all full of messes, some occur inside our houses on occasion from lack of attention and some happen within ourselves for the same reason. We don't take time to pay attention to the things that may be bothering us or have been haunting us for years. It may not have even turned into a haunt if we had tended to it when it began.
All this to say, if you have something that needs tending in your life, get to it. The first look is the scariest (trust me when I say I about fainted when I looked at this room), but if you persevere, the baggage gets cleaned up and you will have more room for the good stuff to shine in you.
And you are so worth shining!
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Always being renewed,
