I am very excited to give this to them. We are going to use it as a center piece for the food table.
Here is the crazy couple in their youth.
And this is the happy couple just starting out on their honeymoon!
They went to the Poconos and they used that camera! Amazing how things come back around. My mom gave me the camera because she knows I love old cameras and she thought this might have more sentimental value. She's right. It was my mom's dad's camera.
See, her dad is the only grandparent I knew growing up. All my other grandparents died either shortly before or shortly after I was born. And both my parents are only children so I have no aunts and uncles on their side. It defiantly makes me hold onto my sisters more closely. I guess that is why I love big families.
I can not even imagine what that lens has captured.
I can't wait to see them and share with you what my lens captured at the gathering.
Have a great weekend and give your husband or wife a big kiss and celebrate your journey.
If you are having some rough patches, still celebrate and give that person a kiss, it just might start mending that bridge.
Love isn't always easy, nor does it always feel sweet and mushy.
It is a daily choice to love.
It is the best choice.
Thanks Mom and Dad for making that choice every day.
Always being renewed,