So this little sewing chair just totally caught my eye at the Goodwill. It just had one rip on the top and the wood was in fantastic shape and sturdy.
This king size sheet came in handy for material. The secret to using sheets and making them a more durable choice for upholstery is to use iron-on interfacing. It will not only give the fabric more weight but it also keeps it in place so it won't stretch.
It turned out so cute!
These were the befores of the nesting tables and the burgundy chair.
I used the Finish Max Pro paint sprayer from Home Right to paint these tables. With so many spindles and nooks and crannies, a paint sprayer is the way to go. Especially when you have triplets! My girlfriend Lynn helped me so much with these tables in the prepping. We had a devil of a time getting the crappy fake leather off of the real leather underneath. It was a shame someone did that to these tables because the leather was fine!
But now it wasn't because of some kind of super human adhesive they added so I dug in my stash of fabric and found some rockin' colorful chevron that really made these tables pop! I added plexi-glass to each top and they were ready for the Flea.
The nice thing about plexi is not only is it easy clean up but people can change fabric with the seasons!
This chair just needed a good cleaning! The vinyl was beyond greasy and the wood was dull. But now look how beautiful the vinyl turned out. I brought out the shine by spraying the vinyl with furniture polish, letting is sit for about 30 minutes and then buffing it out. Fantastic. The wood just got a coat of Hemp oil and Voila!
A brand new chair
Now here are some of the things I will be bringing to the Flea in September:
So what do you make when you get given an old bike and find a freaking awesomely ornate lamp?
make cool photo displays! I dismantled the lamp and made the base and then painted it and then made my bike wheel look genuinely rusty with my fake rust application!
And one that is a bit more industrial will also be there….
…..along with one or two of these cute hand models! I just couldn't not show this picture of my helpers. Well, one of them, the 15 year old did NOT want his mug in the shot. Tessa always has a smile goin'.
Some awesome old crates and soda bottles from local Pittsburgh bottlers will be available….
And I am working on sprucing up this old drafting table as well. These are awesome because they fold away when not in use but then can be brought out when you need some extra serving areas.
These oldies but goodies will be there as well!
Please let me know if you are interested in any of these items before the Flea!