Aren't fairies just about the most imagination inspiring idea? We have an old tree stump that I have been wanting to do something with for a while and it just got pixie dusted!
I have been saving popsicle sticks to build a door and just never got around to it until.....
I found THIS at the Goodwill!!
A little mini bird bath. I thought it might make a great fairy bathing stand and might help attract a fairy.
This thing is heavy and solid metal so while the girls were playing down the street, I added it to my garden.
When I went back inside to look for my popsicle sticks......
......a wee fairy house was born!
I couldn't believe my eyes. Our little fairy must have been just waiting for something to show up. How she got inside my house and grabbed those sticks so fast is still a mystery.
Izzy stopped up to change into her bathing suit and she spied it too. I wish I could have gotten a photo of her smile when she discovered it. So worth it times like a zillion! She ran back down the street to let the other neighbor girls know about it. I went back inside to find my camera to try and take some quick photos....
a little window out of a bark ring and some twine appeared!
then the six little girls came running back and went crazy with ideas.... It was so hard to answer all of the questions they were peppering me with! They wanted a way to leave this repurposing fairy some treasures. We came up with a treasure basket out of a napkin ring and then they wanted a mail box to send her letters so we scoured the yard for something to use.....
and spotted a peanut shell and stick. These girls are brilliant! We made one side of the peanut shell more flat and hot glued a cardboard bottom to it before adding the stick. They gave her all kinds of miniature mail.....
and treasures to decorate or use around her house.
She reads her mail by the light of her window......
and used some of the treasures to add some whimsy to her fine homestead....Oh and here she has sent a letter off to the girls. She replied to one of their questions by answering them with her secret name.
Her name is formed from the first initial of each little neighborhood girls name but I am not allowed to tell you or the magic will disappear, along with our little fairy.....
But as you know, you are always welcome here as well.
What magical things have you seen around your garden lately?
Always being renewed,