July 8, 2013

I am not dead although my body feels like it....

I know, I know. I have been a very bad blogger. I have had serious motivational issues of late and have had no desire to do any projects or blog about the lack of projects. It's not that I don't have projects, I have about 10 right now that seriously need to gitter done. But I haven't been feelin' it. I think about them and then have just been feeling overwhelmed and can't decide which one to tackle first, so I just don't do any of them. 

I know. Not a good place to be if you are trying to write a blog about home improvement, huh?

I have also been so tired lately and in an effort to counteract that downward spiral in couch potatoness (it's a WORD!) I have begun to exercise again. 

And it is killing me! 

I can not believe how out of shape I am! I am pretty ticked at myself for waiting this long and ever stopping in the first place. Starting up again is the worst but I will soldier on. I have to. The hubs and I are going to Vegas at the end of this month and none of my fancy dresses fit well.  They fit but I am trying to avoid the Spanx if you know what I mean.
I have lost 3 pounds so far but I need 7 more. Have I said this is killing me!!!

So, do you want to know what some of the projects are that I don't want to do? I figure if I tell ya'll, then I am beholden to you to complete them! So hold me accountable.

I'll start with the easy ones first and then move onto some of the biggies.

1. Plant some plants in my front containers- I know easy right. What is my problem for the love of all things organic????

2. Build benches for my awesome farmhouse table that looks ridiculous with plastic picnic table chairs around it.

My reclaimed wood just waitin' to be made into benches, stacked neatly against the Garage Chalkboard wall...

3, I really need to do some maintenance on the blog. I want to create a projects gallery, write a better About Me page and some other things and I can't get moving on it.

4. Paint my LR curtains , so they go from blah, to Blammity Blam, Thank you Ma'am!

5. Recover the Dining Room chairs, cuz' clearly guests would love to sit on THIS when they come to dinner...

Okay, Now, onto the biggies.....

6.  Strip the front porch of paint and stain it

7. Construct a patio under our oak tree
"I am keepin' it real" photo

And the Grand Daddy of all projects...

8. Turn our Dining Room into an eat-in-kitchen, and our "kitchen" into a mudroom/craft room. 
Front Kitchen that peeks into the back Kitchen. They don't play well together.

And here will be the new Eat-in kitchen:
Yes, I know I am crazy for giving up this great space but I am tired of trying to make a room with 8 openings work as a kitchen when clearly it doesn't work.
You'll see, but check back in a year or two on this doozy. I'll need to gird my loins for this one .

Okay so there are only 8 projects, but come on, the sheer daunting task of some of them would make any blogger run and cry a wee bit right? Oh so it is just me. 
I am a wuss.
At least writing this post kicked my butt into gear and I am waiting for paint to dry......

thanks for hanging in there with me while I've been MIA.
You are a rockstar!

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you weren't dead. I hear ya about the mojo going missing. I am battling that constantly lately too, but more in relation to doing the blog. The projects don't seem to stop. You remind me how much I keep saying to myself that I'm going to do a certain this and that to the blog, adding pages, updating, etc. I hereby hold you accountable. You can do it! You want to do it. You will. I am sure of it. Pretty please. Your readers will thank you.


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!


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