So while I have been getting to know our little Luca, who incidentally really isn't little! She topped out at the Vet at 60 lbs! I guess when she came into the shelter she was 50 lbs. and they never weighed her again.
But since I am trying to just do small projects while she settles in, I decided to fix a few problems I have been having in the powder room. Sometimes little issues just keep getting pushed to the bottom of the To-Do list because there are so many other big To-Dos. Is that how it is at your house? But I tend to think my best work comes when I have had time to ponder the issue. Then sparks strike and I come up with the solution that has been evading me for so long.
Slow and Steady is how I roll.
Well, here is our little half bath. Maybe we should call it a quarter bath because you can only make like a quarter turn in there safely.

There are three issues in here that needed to be fixed. The toilet paper holder, that basket of magazines and the sink skirt. The toilet paper roll is standing upright because the screw is jacked and it would droop a bit and the toilet paper always ended up on the floor. So I thought I'd fix that problem by making it like a paper towel holder. Kinda works but the holder eventually gets loose and the paper roll is on the floor.
The basket of magazines. Not sure why I thought having a basket of magazines on the floor was a good idea, especially with two men in the house. Yes, I am totally grossed out by the pee spray, albeit the little bit if pee spray, that gets on these and I have to clean them every two days.
The sink skirt and the tension curtain rod keeping the sink from falling off the wall. Okay, that is a big fix that I can't get to yet. But the back story is that the guy who installed the sink didn't listen to me when I said he'd have to tear out a bit of the wall and install a 2x4 to attach the sink to so it would be sturdy.
Yeah. Don't listen to a woman.
He screwed it into lath and plaster.
So after a few months of use, I now I had a sink that needed a tension rod to keep it upright and it also needed a skirt because the underside is so bad. The skirt I love but it has gotten so dirty that I can't stand looking at it. So I took it away and never put it back on.
So only two of the problems got fixed.
I figured, if the toilet paper wants to be on the floor than make it so. This has been life changing if I may say. And that is a small commentary on my life....I might need to get out more. The magazines then got moved to the wall and that was equally life changing. The basket of toddie paper is usually away from the pee zone and under the magazines just so you know. No fear of pre-peed on paper at my house.
I had big plans for building a wood surround that would not only keep the sink up but would hide the pipes by using some awesome table legs I found in the trash.... but they were too short! I was so bummed. But I am still thinking of ways to make it so.
I'm the turtle, not the hare.
So the moral of the story is stay the coarse and be patient. Switching the two problems might actually be your solution!
Any projects that need to get done and just haven't made it to the top of the list?
Any simple solutions that you have come up with to fix a nagging problem?
Please enlighten! I love to hear what you figure out.
Always being renewed,